scott yu-jan
experimental / old /
random / passion projects
drawer organizers
03 / 2023
organizing my drawer with 3D printing
portable mac mini
01 / 2022
mac mini + ipad mini setup
tool tracker mod
10 / 2021
tool charger + tool tracker
3D printed table
07 / 2021
load limit: around 140 lbs
HDMI monitor
09 / 2020
a DIY camera monitor
photography backdrop
06 / 2019
a DIY ikea hack project
divvy II
06 / 2018
just a coffee table for my apartment
odd experiment 01
01 / 2018
a weird sound design + CGI project
experimental type project
02 / 2017
guess-the-typeface game app
just a lamp
08 / 2015
not much more to it
side stacking glasses
06 / 2015
digital glass fabrication and design
divvy I
11 / 2014
a piece designed for BoConcept.
03 / 2014
a modular children's toy